Math 107, Fall 2012

Guidelines for Student Conduct

During the Lectures


1. Students are expected to be present in the lecture room few minutes before the official time assigned by the Registrar.

2. Students who are at most 10 minutes late will be admitted to attend the lecture.  Those who are more than 10 minutes late must not disturb the class by asking for a permission to enter.

3. Students must turn off their mobile phones, computers, and other personal electronic devices (except hearing devices) at the beginning of each class. Students must make every effort not to disturb themselves and others while attending the lectures.

4. Students are expected not to leave the class before the end of the lecture. If a student needs to leave the class during the lecture, (s)he must ask for a permission.

5. If a student causes disturbance during a lecture, (s)he will be warned not to continue to do so. If this behavior is repeated, the academic advisor of the student will be informed of the problem and (s)he will be subject to a disciplinary action by the university.