Math 309/505, Spring 2011

Assignment 1 (Feb. 16-22)


Reading Assignment: Pages 1-9 of the textbook (Strauss, 2nd Edition)


Homework # 1 (Due on Wednesday Oct. 23, at 12:30):

Solve the following problems form the the textbook (Strauss, 2nd Edition)

Page 5: Problems 3, 5, 7, 9, 11

Pages 9-10: Problems 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13


Important Notice: Homework papers will be collected in class. Late homeworks will be accepted with a 20% penalty, if they will be put in the instructor's mailbox before 16:00 of the day following the due date. The graded homework papers will be returned to the students during the PSs.