Software for Robust Stability and Controllability

I have worked on the computation of various robust stability and controllability measures during my Ph.D. thesis. Matlab implementations
of the algorithms are collected in the tar file
and in the zip file
In Windows both of the files can be extracted by winzip. In Linux, Unix and Mac-OS the tar file can be extracted by typing
                    > tar -xvf rob_sc.tar
while the zip file can be uncompressed by typing

Routines included:
The package includes the routines listed below. For details please see the comments at the beginning of each routine and Chapter 6 of the thesis.

Visualization routines:
-- plot_cdi
Plots the function that is minimized in the computation of the continuous distance to instability of a matrix.
-- plot_ddi
Plots the function that is minimized in the computation of the discrete distance to instability of a matrix.
-- plot_kreiss_constant_cont
Plots the ratio (epsln-pseudospectral abscissa)/epsln as a function of epsln.
-- plot_kreiss_constant_disc
Plots the ratio (epsln-pseudospectral radius-1)/epsln as a function of epsln.
-- plot_num_rad
Plots the function that is maximized in the computation of the numerical radius.
-- plot_poly_cdi
Plots the function that is minimized in the computation of the continuous distance to instability of a matrix polynomial.
-- plot_poly_ddi
Plots the function that is minimized in the computation of the discrete distance to instability of a matrix polynomial.
-- poly_ps
Plots the epsln-pseudospectra of a matrix polynomial.
-- rect_poly_ps
Plots the epsln-level set of the function that is minimized in the computation of the higher order distance to uncontrollability.

First order robust stability routines:
-- pspa :
Computes the epsln-pseudospectral abscissa of a matrix.
-- pspr
Computes the epsln-pseudospectral radius of a matrix.
-- cdi
Computes the continuous distance to instability of a matrix.
-- ddi
Computes the discrete distance to instability of a matrix.
-- numr
Computes the numerical radius of a matrix.

Higher order robust stability routines:
-- poly_pspa
Computes the epsln-pseudospectral abscissa of a matrix polynomial.
-- poly_pspr
Computes the epsln-pseudospectral radius of a matrix polynomial.
-- poly_cdi
Computes the continuous distance to instability of a matrix polynomial.
-- poly_ddi
Computes the discrete distance to instability of a matrix polynomial.

First order distance to uncontrollability routine:
dist_uncont_hybrid: Computes the distance to uncontrollability of a first order system.

Higher order distance to unconrollability routine:
poly_dist_uncont: Computes the distance to uncontrollability of a higher order system.

right for each routine is held by the authors mentioned at the start of the routine.