Koç University, Mathematics Seminar

Date & Time: Thursday, November 19, 16:00-17:00

Place: ENG B-05


Speaker: Balazs Rath (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)


Title:  Mean field frozen percolation and self-organized criticality


Abstract: The mean field frozen percolation model, introduced by Toth and treated in [Rath, 2009], is a modification of the dynamical Erdos-Renyi random graph model, where large connected components are deleted with a rate proportional to their size. The model exhibits self-organized criticality: as soon as the graph reaches its critical state, it sticks there. Our talk aims to explain this phenomenon and to highlight some unexpected connections to the theory of non-linear PDE.


Speaker’s Brief Biography: Balazs Rath received his PhD in Mathematics in 2010 at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics under the supervision of Prof. Balint Toth. He spent 2010-2012 as a postdoctoral fellow at ETH Zurich under the supervision of Prof. Alain-Sol Sznitman and 2012-2014 as a postdoc at the University of British Columbia. Since 2014, he is a postdoctoral fellow of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and a recipient of the Bolyai Research Scholarship. His research interests include random graphs evolving in time and percolation models with long-range correlations.