Math-Sci Seminar Speaker: Ahmet Gül, M.D, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Rheumatology, Istanbul University, Istanbul Title: Inflammation: Friend or Foe Date: Thu 14 Dec, 2006 Time: 16:45 Place: Science Building, Room Z42 Abstract: Inflammation is a physiological process that helps to protect the integrity of the body. A group of complex cellular and humoral interactions aims to detect, recognize, isolate and remove the foreign or dangerous insults. However, depending on the site and intensity of the inflammatory reaction, these processes may also result in tissue damage, and there are many acute and chronic disorders caused by uncontrolled or dysregulated inflammatory reactions. This talk will focus on two inflammatory diseases which are common in Turkey, Behçet’s disease and familial Mediterranean fever (FMF), and will summarize the studies aiming to understand their shared inflammatory pathways and to describe therapeutic targets. Please visit for a schedule of upcoming Science -Math seminars at Koc University.