Math-Sci Seminar Speaker: Prof. Dr. Selim Küsefoğlu, The Chemistry Department, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul Title: Ahmet Ate Fried Patatoes, Ahmet Died Young: "Isomerism and Oxidation of Edible Plant Oils" Date: Thu 21 Dec, 2006 Time: 16:45 Place: Science Building, Room Z42 Abstract: The way we cook our food determines its quality. In the last 30 years we find ourselves abandoning the traditional methods of cooking which brings serious health risks. Plant oil triglycerides contain unsaturated fatty acids that have cis and non-conjugated structures. Most cooking operations, but especially deep frying, changes the structure to trans and conjugated. This has very serious consequences for the health of our arteries. Please visit for a schedule of upcoming Science -Math seminars at Koc University.