Math-Science Seminars
Unless indicated otherwise, all seminars are at 4:45 in the Science Building Room Z 42.
Refreshments are served at 4:30 in Room Z 41.
May 23, 2002: Naci Inci, Sabancı University.
Photonic Crystals and Their Various Applications
May 16, 2002: Hugo Thienpont, Vrije Universiteit Brussels.
Photonic interconnections to silicon chips
May 9, 2002: Alp Eden, Boğaziçi University.
Dynamical Instabilities as a Homeric Metaphor
May 2, 2002: Reşit Canbeyli, Boğaziçi University.
A Tale Twice Told: Psychological Implication of Hemispheric Lateralization
April 25, 2002: Mangatiana A. Robdera Eastern Mediterranean University.
An Equivalence Theorem for the Radon-Nikodym Property Types of Banach Spaces
April 18, 2002: Salim Çıracı, Bilkent University.
Carbon Nanotubes: Future for Nanoscience and Novel Technologies?
April 11, 2002: Robin W. Tucker, Lancaster University, UK.
The Lasso Project: Capturing weak gravitational waves with orbiting structures
April 4, 2002: G. V. Vajenine, Max-Planck-Institute Stuttgart.
Void Metals: Subnitrides and Suboxides of Group I A and II A Metals.
March 28, 2002: Varga Kalantarov, Koç University.
The Coupled Kuramoto-Sivashinsky and Ginzburg-Landau equations.
March 21, 2002: Dieter Kaufmann, Technical University Clausthal, Germany.
From Chiral Catalysts to Fluorescent Dyes
March 7, 2002: Ali Mostafazadeh, Koç University.
Linear Operators with Real Eigenvalues and Antilinear Symmetries