REGIMES OF ETHNICITY: A Global Database of Ethnic Demography and State Policies on Ethnicity


Regimes of Ethnicity: A Global Database of Ethnic Demography and Survey of State Policies on Ethnicity


This project is aimed at, first, creating a database by gathering the most up to date information on the ethnic demography of the 173 countries in the world with a population over 250,000; and second, conducting a survey of state policies on ethnicity in these countries in order to gauge the relationship between ethnicity and nationality as reflected in state policies. The database of global ethnic demography will be a major improvement over the current databases, most of which are inconsistent and unreliable because of their use of information processed by different authors, collected at different points in time, based on different definitions of ethnicity, and with different levels of specificity, making these databases inadequate for systematic comparisons. Surveys that include a list of 15 policy areas, which gauge the institutionalization of ethnicity in each country, were sent out to 2,442 country experts around the world as of December 2014, and the positive response rate of the experts was 19.9% for the entirety of the survey. The goal was to receive completed survey forms from three experts for each country, generating 519 completed surveys in total. In addition to the list of fifteen policies, country experts were also asked to agree or disagree with, or suggest better sources for, the ethnic demographic data collected by the researcher and provided as part of the survey. Results are made available online in order to facilitate the dissemination of accurate information on ethnic demography and state policies on ethnicity around the world, and to receive feedback on the data and the survey results from the wider public and the scholarly community. Disclosure of experts' identities is strictly subject to their consent. This new database will significantly increase the capacity for research conducted by other scholars in Europe and elsewhere on topics related to ethnicity. After the end of the project, the goal is to publish the results as a reference book on ethnic demography and state policies on ethnicity.


There were 2,663 "country experts" in our database for the project by the end of 2014, and 2,442 of these experts were contacted at least once, inviting them to participate in the Regimes of Ethnicity project.

Downloadable Regimes of Ethnicity Full Results 487 completed surveys were received from experts on 172 countries as of December 30, 2014.  In other words, we received at least one completed expert survey form for 172 of the 173 countries (99.4% of all countries) in our database as of December 30, 2014.



In any publications that use this data set, users are kindly asked to cite the data set, as follows:

Bibliography Entry:  Aktürk, Şener. "Regimes of Ethnicity Data Set, v2015." Online (2015).


In referrring to the concept and typology of "ethnicity regimes" or the three different regimes of ethnicity (monoethnic, antiethnic, and multiethnic), you can use the following source:

Bibliography Entry:  Aktürk, Şener. Regimes of Ethnicity and Nationhood in Germany, Russia, and Turkey. Cambridge University Press, 2012.


This project was supported by a European Commission 7th Framework Program Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant (2010-2014).