The Eurasian Peace Science Network (EPSN) is an independent, non-profit network of scholars that seeks to promote regional and global peace through increased understanding of the causes and consequences of political violence, conflict, peace, and war. To advance its goals the EPSN encourages rigorous research and seeks to connect scholars who study conflict, broadly defined, in the Eurasian and Middle Eastern regions and the world. The EPSN avoids social, religious, or national bias and does not promote political action or polemical discussion.
Membership is free and open to anyone located anywhere in the world who shares the goals of the Eurasian Peace Science Network. Members will receive periodic updates of EPSN-related events, including those regrading the annual Eurasian Peace Science conference, and we will seek to keep members informed of issues related to peace research. Members are encouraged to use the Network to disseminate peace research related news and events.To become a member click here.
The Eurasian Peace Science Network is currently run by a Steering Committee at Koç University in Istanbul, Turkey. Steering Committee members are from the Conflict Processes Group at Koç University: Belgin S. Akca, Reşat Bayer and Michael Mousseau. It is the goal of the Steering Committee that as the EPSN grows, network members will consider forming an administrative council to govern the organization.
Scheduled for January 7-8, 2011, follow the link for more information.
Michael Mousseau (coordinator)
Belgin S. Akca
Reşat Bayer