CCCD Java Applet
This applet is prepared by Jason DeVinney.
IMPORTANT: You have to unblock this website in Java Settings.
See Why are Java applications blocked?
Also, to be able to run this application, please use either Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.
- Resample:
Every time the "Sample" button is pressed, points from two classes (red and blue) are randomly
generated in the space (0,1)x(0,1). You may specify the number of points in each class by changing
the default values in the boxes at the bottom of the applet.
- Metric Menu:
The metric can be selected using the "Metric" menu in the bottom right of the menu.
The choices are L1, L2, and L-\(\infty\).
- Red (Blue) Balls:
To show the covering balls for either or both classes select "Red Balls" and/or "Blue Balls".
The covering ball for a point is the sphere whose radius is the distance from that point to the
nearest point in the opposite class.
- Red (Blue) CCCD:
To show the class cover catch digraph (CCCD) for either or both classes, select "Red CCCD" and/or
"Blue CCCD". The CCCD for a class is the catch digraph formed by the covering balls of the points in
that class and the points themselves.
- Show Solution:
To show a greedy solution to the CCP select the "Show Solution" button. The solution size for each
class will be displayed in the middle right of the applet.
Artür Manukyan
Last modified: Wed May 13, 2015