(To download available publications, click on the title; indirmek için yayınlara tıklayınız)

Books and Edited Journal Volumes:

5) Jennifer McCoy and Murat Somer, eds. Polarizing Polities: A Global Threat to Democracy, special volume of The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 61(1) (2019)

4) Jennifer McCoy and Murat Somer, eds. Polarization and Democracy: A Janus-Faced Relationship with Pernicious Consequences, special volume of American Behavioral Scientist 62(1) (2018)

3) Somer, Murat. The Turkish-Kurdish Question and How Politics and Ideas (Re-)Make Empires, Nations and States. (Forthcoming with SUNY Press)


2) Somer, Murat. Sosyal Demokratlar ve Türkiye’de Kürt Sorunu  (Social Democrats and the Kurdish Conflict in Turkey) (Ankara: Bencekitap, 2016)


1) Somer, Murat. Milada Dönüş: Ulus-Devletten Devlet-Ulusa Türk ve Kürt Meselesinin Üç İkilemi (Return to Point Zero: From Nation-State to State-Nation, the Three Dilemmas of the Turkish and Kurdish Question) (Istanbul: Koç University Press, 2015; 2. Print, 2016)


Kitap incelemesi ve basında haberler (Reviews and Press Coverage): Modus Operandi, Milliyet, Akşam, Turkish Studies, Radikal Kitap


Refereed Articles in ISI (Web of Science) Indexed Journals:

22) Somer, Murat and McCoy, Jennifer. Transformations through Polarizations and Global Threats to Democracy,” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 681 (1): 8-22 (January 2019)


21) McCoy, Jennifer and Somer, Murat. “Toward a Theory of Pernicious Polarization and How It Harms Democracies: Comparative Evidence and Possible Remedies,” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 681 (1): 234-271 (January 2019)


20) Somer, Murat. “Turkey: The Slippery Slope from Reformist to Revolutionary Polarization and Democratic Breakdown, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 681 (1): 42-61 (January 2019) 


19) Somer, Murat and McCoy, Jennifer. “Déjà vu? Polarization and Endangered Democracies in the 21st Century,” American Behavioral Scientist 62 (1): 3-15 (2018)  


18) McCoy, Jennifer, Tahmina Rahman and Murat Somer. “Polarization and the Global Crisis of Democracy:  Common Patterns, Dynamics and Pernicious Consequences for Democratic Polities,” American Behavioral Scientist 62 (1): 16-42 (2018)  


17. Somer, Murat. “Conquering versus Democratizing the State: Political Islamists and Fourth Wave Democratization in Turkey and Tunisia,” Democratization 24 (6): 1025-1043    


16. Somer, Murat. “Understanding Turkey’s Democratic Breakdown: Old versus New and Indigenous versus Global Authoritarianism’ Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 16 (4): 481-503, Fall 2016.


15) Somer, Murat and Glüpker-Kesebir, Gitta. “Is Islam the Solution? Comparing Turkish Islamic and Secular Thinking toward Ethnic and Religious Minorities.” Journal of Church and State 58 (3): 529- 555  (Summer 2016) (first published online in 2015).


14) Somer, Murat.Theory-Consuming or Theory-Producing?: Studying Turkey as a Theory-Developing Critical Case ,” Turkish Studies 15 (4): 571-588 (2014)


13) Somer, Murat. "Moderation of Religious and Secular Politics, A Country's 'Center' and Democratization," Democratization 21 (2): 244-267 (2014)


12) Somer, Murat. "Is Turkish Secularism Anti-Religious, Reformist, Separationist, Integrationist, or Simply Undemocratic?” Review Essay, Journal of Church and State 55 (3): 585–597 (August 2013)


11) Somer, Murat.Does It Take Democrats to Democratize?: Lessons From Islamic and Secular Elite Values in Turkey,” Comparative Political Studies 44 (5): 511-545 (May 2011)


10) Somer, Murat. “Media Values and Democratization: What Unites and What Divides Religious-Conservative and Pro-Secular Elites,” Turkish Studies 11 (4): 555-577 (December 2010)


9) Somer, Murat and Liaras, Evangelos G. "Turkey’s New Kurdish Opening: Religious versus Secular Values” Middle  East Policy 17 (2): 152-165 (Summer 2010)


8) Somer, Murat.Why Aren’t Kurds Like the Scots and the Turks Like the Brits? Moderation and Democracy in the Kurdish Question,” Cooperation and Conflict 43 (2): 220-249 (June 2008)  (Please also see Erratum)


7) Somer, Murat. "Moderate Islam and Secularist Opposition in Turkey: Implications for the World, Muslims, and Secular Democracy" Third World Quarterly 28 (7): 1271-1289 (October 2007)


6) Somer, Murat. "Resurgence and Remaking of Identity: Civil Beliefs, Domestic and External Dynamics, and the Turkish Mainstream Discourse on Kurds." Comparative Political Studies 38 (6): 591-622 (August 2005)


5) Somer, Murat.Defensive- vs. Liberal-Nationalist Perspectives on Diversity and Kurdish Conflict: Europeanization, the Internal Debate, and Türkiyelilik" New Perspectives on Turkey 32: 73-91. (2005)


4) Somer, Murat.Failures of the Discourse of Ethnicity: Turkey, Kurds, and the Emerging Iraq,” Security Dialogue 36 (1): 109-128 (March 2005)


3) Somer, Murat. "Turkey's Kurdish Conflict: Changing Context and Domestic and Regional Implications." Middle East Journal 58 (2): 235-253. Spring 2004


2) Somer, Murat.Ethnic Kurds, Endogenous Identities, and Turkey’s Democratization and Integration with Europe,” Global Review of Ethnopolitics 1 (4): 74-93. June 2002


1) Somer, Murat.Cascades of Ethnic Polarization: Lessons from Yugoslavia.”Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 573: 127-151. January 2001



Book Chapters:


13) Somer, Murat.Turkish Secularism: Looking Forward and Beyond the West,” pp. 37-54 in Matthew Whiting and Alpaslan Özerdem, eds, Routledge Handbook on Turkish Politics (2019).


12) Somer, Murat. “Political Islamists and Conquering versus Democratizing the State: Comparing Turkey and Tunisia and Conceptualizing Democratization,” in Mirjam Künkler and Julia Leininger, eds, Religious Actors in the Fourth Wave of Democratization: Constructive, Obstructive or Destructive? (Forthcoming)


11) Elbasani, Arolda and Somer, Murat.Muslim Secularisms in the European Context: Comparing Turkey and Albania,” pp. 171-188 in Global Secularisms in a Post-Secular Age, Michael Rectenwald, Rochelle Almeida, and George Levine, eds. (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2015)


10) Somer, Murat.Whither with Secularism or Just Undemocratic Laiklik? The Evolution and Future of Secularism under the AKP,” pp. 23-49 in Valeria Talbot, ed, The Uncertain Path of the ‘New Turkey,’ (Milan: ISPI, Instituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale, 2015)


9) Somer, Murat.Islamist Political Parties, the Turkish Case and the Future of Muslim Polities,” pp. 41-57 in Quinn Mecham and Julie Chernov Hwang (eds), Strategies and Behavior of Islamist Political Parties: Lessons from Asia and the Middle East (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014)


8) Somer, Murat. “The Janus-Faced Relation of Religious Non-State Actors and Human Security: Islamic and Secular Values in Turkey,” pp. 30-47 in James Wellman and Clark Lombardi, eds, Religion and Human Security (Oxford University Press: 2012)


7) Somer, Murat.Kürt Meselesi'nde Dünü ve Bugünü Barış İçin Yorumlamak” (Interpreting the Past and Future of the Kurdish Question for Peace), pp. 15-81 in Konda Araştırma (Ed.), Kürt Meselesi'nde Algı ve Beklentiler (Perceptions and Expectations in the Kurdish Question) (Istanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2011)

6) Somer, Murat. “Toward A Non-Standard Story: The Kurdish Question and the Headscarf, Nationalism, and Iraq,” in Ayşe Kadıoğlu and Fuat Keyman, eds, Symbiotic Antagonisms in Turkey: Sources, Discourses and Changing Nature of Turkish, Kurdish, and Islamic Nationalisms, pp. 253-288 (Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press, 2011)

5) Somer, Murat.Democratization, Clashing Narratives, and ‘Twin Tolerations’ between Islamic-Conservative and Pro-Secular Actors,” pp. 28-47 in Marlies Casier and Joost Jongerden, eds, Nationalisms and Politics in Turkey: Political Islam, Kemalism and the Kurdish Issue (Routledge, 2010)

4) Somer, Murat and Tol, Gönül. “New Muslim Pluralism and Secular Democracy in Turkey and the EU,” pp. 95-111 in Elizabeth Prugl and Markus Thiel, eds.,  Diversity in the European Union (New York: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2009)


3) Somer, Murat. "Defensive- and Liberal Nationalisms, the Kurdish Question and Democratization" pp. 103-135 in E. Fuat Keyman, ed., Remaking Turkey: Globalization, Alternative Modernities, and Democracy (Oxford: Lexington Books, 2007)


2) Somer, Murat. "Ethnic Kurds, Rival and Compatible Definitions of Identities, and Turkey's Integration with the EU," pp. 331-349 in Armand Clesse and Seyfi Tashan, eds., Turkey and the European Union: 2004 and beyond (Dutch University Press, 2004)


1) Somer, Murat. “Ethnic and Regional Conflict,” pp. 173-196 in World at Risk: A Global Issues Sourcebook. New York: CQ Press: May 2002. (Selected “Outstanding Academic Title" for 2002 by Choice magazine, revised edition published in 2009)



Refereed Articles in non-ISI Indexed Journals, Invited Articles and Book Reviews:


7) Somer, Murat. Review of “Nation-Building in Turkey and Morocco” by Senem Aslan, International Journal of Middle East Studies 49 (4): 774-776 (2017)


6) Somer, Murat. "Barış Süreci ve Kürt Meselesi'nde Kimlik ve Dış Politika: Riskler ve Fırsatlar” (The Peace Process and Identity and Foreign Policy in the Kurdish Question) Ortadoğu Analiz 5 (57): 46–53 (2013)


5) Somer, Murat. "Sustainable Democratization and the Roles of the US and the EU: Political Islam and Kurdish Nationalism in Turkey,” Turkish Policy Quarterly 5 (3): 89-108 (Fall 2006)"


4) Somer, Murat.Demokratlığın Politik Ekonomisi: Inanılır Demokrasi, Düzenleyici Devlet, ve AB'li Küreselleşme.” (The Political Economy of Being A Democrat: Credible Democracy, Regulatory State, and Globalization with the EU). Doğu Batı 7 (28): 227-250. August 2004


3) Somer, Murat. "Looking Objectively at Rebels: The Political Economy of Violence, Kurdish Nationalism, and the PKK." Review of Primitive Rebels or Revolutionary Modernizers? by Paul White. Turkish Studies 5 (2), pp. 162-165. Summer 2004


2) Somer, Murat.Insincere Public Discourse, Trust, and Implications for Democratic Transition The Yugoslav Meltdown Revisited.” Journal for Institutional Innovation, Development and Transition 6, pp. 92-112. December 2002


1) Somer, Murat.Collective Action or Madness?: Explaining Group Identities and Violence.” Review of Path to Collective Madness: A Study in Social Order and Political Pathology, by Dipak K. Gupta. Journal of Socio-Economics 31 (3): 318-322. September 2002



phd dissertation:


Somer, Murat. "Diversity vs. Unity: Causes and Dynamics of Ethnic Polarization."

Advisor: Timur Kuran



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