3rd International Workshop on

Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics









Call for Abstracts



Travel and Visa


Co-Sponsored by: 



Organized By:

Koç University & Nuclear Physics Institute at Rez


Proceedings Papers on Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians, PT-Symmetry, and Related Topics


The contributions to proceedings of the workshop that focus on the subject of Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians, PT-symmetry, and topics directly related to them will be published as a special issue of Czechoslovak Journal of Physics (expected to appear in September 2005). The following apply to these contributions only.

Page Limit: Because of the strict limitations on the issue size for this journal, the contributed papers will be required not to exceed 8 printed pages.

Fees: There are the following wo types of proceedings paper fees.


1. Standard Fee: 25 Euros (applies to all the contributions to the proceedings)


2. Optional Fee: 35 Euros for each couple of pages exceeding 6 pages for the main speakers marked in green in the list of speakers and 4 pages for others.


The proceedings fees will be used to cover the page charges of the Czech Journal of Physics. They are to be paid during the workshop in cash.


Manuscript Preparation, Processing, and Deadlines: The manuscripts should be written in good English and prepared in LaTeX using the Czech Journal of Physics stylefiles. No special macros will be allowed. The authors should comply with the instructions of the Czech Journal of Physics for manuscript preparation. Noncompliance with this instructions and the resulting technical inadequacy will result in the rejection of the manuscript. 

The latex file of the manuscript should be submitted by e-mail to the address: znojil@ujf.cas.cz by June 15, 2005. Earlier submission are strongly encouraged.

Submission of a manuscript and the payment of the proceedings fees do not qualify the contributions for publication. All the contributions will be refereed and the authors will be notified of the decision of the editors and provided with a copy of the referee report(s) before July 15, 2005. The deadline for submission of the revised manuscripts (if necessary) is July 25, 2005.